Chapter Two

Today, i’m not gonna start with the usual “what’s up y’all” because i got a lil’ bit of an update and some story sharing.

As y’all know i graduated from senior high and with all the joys and happiness of not being a sorry-ass schoolerz, i’m actually have been pretty bored lately. Sure, i visit the school every once in a while (actually 2 – 3 times a week, which left me with a thought that i really got nothing to do) and this has led me to finish stuff i tend to forgot all the time. Like learning how to drive (which i already did by now, and pretty awesome at it), fix some guitars, and work out. The last one’s the hardest thing in the world when you’re a post-graduation fat bloke with a somewhat wavy hair, waiting for college to start. You don’t wanna end up as a fat bloke unless you wanna be a cop with a huge thick moustache, or a commercial star….. on DRTV.

Pretty much a fat bloke, except i don’t have pants that big of a size.

To think of it, you’re not doing any justice by thinking that what a post-senior high school graduation fat bloke does is nothing but lazy stuff like loafing around all day eating puffy bread, drinking root beer and watching The Hangover movies (which i did, all of ’em). I did some great stuff, like making songs and doing covers and putting it on Soundcloud! …and by the way, you should listen to the song that i made for my mom’s birthday!

and FYI, that song caused us a cake week. Imagine eating four full batches of cake with different flavors. No wonder i’m fat.

Other than that, i expanded my music library and most of ’em are EDM songs (which i am really proud of collecting) and seeing my music library on a 42 inch LED TV with HDMI cable, with all those album covers on is just, pure bliss. man……

Other stuff though, i’m kinda obsessed with checklists, to do lists and stuff like that but haven’t actually put much effort into putting those checklists to reality. Still, i make pretty awesome checklists.

I’m thinking about getting my music career on the go. My dad’s very supportive and he’s actually got some awesome musician friends. Well, he used to be a musician until my grandma forced Pops to work in an office. Kinda sucks if you ask me.

I’ll be moving to Bandung in about a month and i’m pretty excited for it. I rented a pretty cool room in Bandung, near my campus, but it’s just for the moment until my apartement’s done. Haven’t packed yet but i know Bandung’s gonna be awesome as hell! Yeah, yeah.. my mom always tells me that them chicks in Bandung are bazonkers and i should be careful and try not to let any freak do anything funny. I’m 18, sheesh…. besides, i’ll be there for music and college!

So, let’s recap what’s this post all about, okay…

  1. I’m a post-graduation fat bloke with a somewhat wavy hair, waiting for college to start.
  2. Music is awesome
  3. Gonna hit Bandung in about a month and pretty stoked about it
  4. I’m 18 years old and can protect myself from freaky chicks
  5. If you already watched The Hangover and The Hangover Part II, DO NOT watch part III! it sucks and Rotten Tomatoes pretty much confirmed it

i think that’s about it then. Cheers! ….umm.. here’s something to watch, i guess..


cheers, again!


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